5 radiant indoor plants to keep your space stress free and healthy

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With biophilia - the integration of nature into our homes - on trend in interior design, it makes good sense to add attractive, interesting indoor plants into our living spaces to project a splash of greenery and/or colour. But, they have many benefits - here are 3.


Health benefits

Not only do indoor plants improve our well-being but they:

  • Release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, which helps to purify the air in our homes by removing toxins found in items like nail polish, tobacco smoke, paint varnishes and household cleaners etc. which helps in preventing several illnesses like asthma.
  • Decrease stress and alleviate tension. 
  • Increase productivity by improving our concentration and attention which is why they are so prevalent in office spaces.
  • Create a happy and relaxed vibe.
  • Boost our creativity.


Practical benefits

  • If strategically placed, either in homes or offices, plants can help to muffle noise.
  • They also provide privacy especially in the office environment.


Visual appeal

  • Grouping plants together creates distinct visual impact.
  • They make a room appear less sterile.
  • They provide permanent, everyday décor in a home.
  • The addition of plants can pull the room's interior design together.
  • They make decorating for a season or a special holiday, like Christmas, very easy.
  • They can be replaced quickly and seasonally and at little cost.
  • If a flowering indoor plant, your home gets a splash of colour as well as verdant greenery to uplift the space.

Here are 5 common indoor plants and a few basic benefits of how each improves our health.


Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum

Is one the few flowering indoor plants which absorbs airborne toxins and can help eliminate mould. Click here to learn more:

English Ivy - Hedera Helix

Is highly beneficial to those with breathing problems and allergies because of its ability to filter the air. Click here to learn more:

Bird's Nest Fern - Asplenium Nidus

Is a hanging indoor plant which filters toxins from living spaces. Click here to learn more:

Hen and Chickens - Chlorophytum

Produces oxygen, purifies the air and absorbs carbon monoxide. Click here to learn more:


Grows easily and filters formaldehyde from our homes. Click here to learn more:,is%20strongly%20associated%20with%20health.


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Author: LV Digital

Submitted 20 Jan 21 / Views 1832