6 easy steps to keeping kitty in the bank

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The post-festive wallet blues are real, and the beginning of the year sees a whole host of new expenses that can get you down if you let them.  So how can you manage your money better and plan ahead for the coming year to put some extra bucks into your piggy bank? We have compiled six easy ways to save money right here:

1. Be Loyal
Take advantage of loyalty programmes - most of them are very beneficial but they are usually guaranteed that clients are not overly familiar with the benefits, or too lazy to go the extra mile of filling out admin for a kick back. But gym fees, cash back, monthly vouchers, and special offers are often included with these packages, making them worthwhile exploring.

2. Investigate Insurance
Another year passed claim free? Car a year older? You insurance should adjust accordingly, but this is often overlooked by insurer and insured alike. Also review your household insurance and make sure you aren’t paying for items that you no longer need protection for.

3. Break From Your Bond
This requires careful consideration and budgeting, but by paying your December repayment over the preceding eleven months, not only do you save on interest but you get a payment holiday in December, when you need it most for holidays and school expenses. Simply discuss it with your bank.

4. Pay Upfront
Check your expenses for possible savings for an upfront payment, instead of a monthly debit order. DStv, for example, offers a special where if you pay upfront for the year before their annual increase in April, then not only will they invoice you at the old price, but they will also give you a month free! School fees are sometimes also discounted by a percentage for an upfront annual payment, so it’s worth asking.

5. Nay To Namebrands
Whether it is about choosing generic versions of medication, or buying school socks at a big retailer instead of the school shop, it is almost always cheaper to go with an unbranded version of goods. These are often exactly the same, but minus the fancy packaging or label, something which no one misses on underwear. Here’s a hint: if your fussy teenagers insist on a particular brand of household goods, simply refill the old branded container with the new, more affordable version, and put the difference towards a treat for yourself!

6. Cellular Savings
If you are on a cellphone contract but aren’t upgrading your phone this year, remember to cancel (or at least revisit) your contract. The price of a new phone is built into that, and the cellular providers will not remind you of your unnecessary expense! 
Also save on data expenses - South African companies charge a premium for data, so take advantage of free Wi-Fi hotspots in coffee shops while enjoying your latte, and upgrade all your apps here. Sometimes top-up packages land up costing you a lot more than a monthly bulk data contract, so take the time to sit and weigh up your options.

In today’s society where time is money, many companies depend on the client not being bothered to ask a few questions and doing a little investigation to save themselves money. But all the rands add up, and who knows - that overseas holiday could be a lot more affordable than you thought, with just a little careful planning!

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Author: Georgina Roberts

Submitted 17 Jan 17 / Views 2745