How to beat Lockdown Blues by Tracey Greenberg

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It feels like ages ago when I wished for time to myself with no outside interruptions. Time to do all those things we put off for "one day when I have the time". I have come to realise what the saying means. "be careful what you wish for".


Every cupboard has been re-organised in my house. My kitchen feels like someone else's as I cannot find anything anymore. My garden shed is pristine, and I have become obsessed with keeping it that way and check every day in case something has been moved, just to give me a sense of purpose. I have sanded downpipes, painted walls and got my garden ready for the winter seedlings.

I have planted veggies from seed just to watch them grow every day.

I have moved my garden pots around at least 5 times and re-done my bathroom.

Now that all is done, and everything is in perfect order to such an extent, I would be the envy of any OCD person, my days have other challenges.



I heard somewhere that if you make your bed every morning your day will start with positivity. I tried this religiously for the past 5 weeks, painstakingly making sure the pillows and all my extra cushions stand up uniformly like little soldiers, with not a single crease or crinkle, and feel now as though I have wasted 30 minutes because that positive vibe keeps on eluding me (should have stayed in bed).



This worked for about a day or two until memories of home baked cookies began to haunt me. I searched for my well used recipe books (I couldn't remember where I had put them after my kitchen re-organising) and baked the best crunchies, almond bites, queen cakes and a chocolate cake. My scale reminded me to stop my baking fixation.


Looking good

By week 3 I had given up completely and thought "natural" was a great idea, until my husband reminded me not to take out the bins as I looked like a street creature who could be mistaken for a homeless person and be picked up and taken to a shelter. I took the advice and today I got dressed (even wore a bra) and I feel a lot better.



My biggest and by far my greatest revelation!

By nature, I am a loud and bouncy person. Being locked up - erm... locked down and not able to communicate with more than one person, had become the norm for me over the past weeks. I realised, with horror, that I could relate to hermits and did not need to be such a pain in the arse with my loud and constant chatter. This was a valuable lesson I discovered about myself - that I can be calm and quiet - big wow here for me.


Dreaded Corona V

The other day I had a sore throat and felt blocked up. Under normal circumstances, I would tell my husband and get some special attention (choccies, lunch, dinner, and a back rub).

It was not the case this time. I kept it to myself and considered running for the hills and wondered what it would be like living on a hilltop alone.

Never again will we think of a cold as something to sneeze about. The thought of being a victim of the Covid19 holds great anxiety for me. I have some weird auto-immune disease, and my lungs are not good from years of smoking. On top of that, social distancing is something we all need to get used to. I am a hugger. Phew!!!


Over the past (feels like a lifetime) weeks I have come to realise that I am blessed, have food, health and have mastered the art to appreciate the simple things in life - I have the time to stop and smell the roses and appreciate the busy bees (not so much the pesky aphids) and rescue the little ladybugs.


I can help the community with a kind word.

I can forgive and forget and recognise that these are insignificant resentments that I have carried with me.

I can let go.


I have come to appreciate that life does not need to pass us by in a hasty blur. We always have the time to stop for a moment and take a deep breath. We have the time to say I love and appreciate you and most of all we have the time to say Thank you. I will incorporate the "new me" into our changed world with a bit more wisdom and understanding. All has not been lost. There is always hope for new beginnings.

We can use this time to re-evaluate, re-centre and re-charge.

Stay Safe and happy.

If you'll excuse me now, I have a garden shed to check upon.


Contact Tracey Greenberg for your selling and buying requirements: 082 454 2639

Author: LV Digital

Submitted 19 May 20 / Views 1357