How to Prepare Your Home Before You Move In

Category Home Tips And Tricks

Buying a new home is an exciting time. Regardless of the reasons behind why you decided to move, one thing needs to be considered before you start packing boxes; how to prepare your new home? Follow these four simple steps to help make the move, as well as the first few weeks a little less stressful:

Change the locks:

While the old homeowners may have promised that all the keys have been handed over to you, there is the unfortunate possibility that this is not entirely true. Spare house keys given to friends, neighbours or family members may still be floating around, and you can never be too careful with your safety. For your own peace of mind and security, it is important to get the locks and remotes changed before you move in.

Debug the area:

You can never be 100% certain of what type of creepy crawlies are hiding; cockroaches, fleas, mites, and so on. Before you move, you will want to thoroughly debug it. An effective method is using a Bug-Bomb. This is a relatively quick, effective and economical way of getting rid of any bugs hiding in your new home. Ensure that you read the safety precautions and carefully follow the instructions provided. Once all the unwanted visitors have been taken care of, they can simply be swept away leaving you with a bug-free home.


Before moving in, have a walk through the home and see what small cosmetic changes need to be made. Remove any wall nails where you won't be hanging art or photos, paint the walls with your favourite the colour and check for any cracks in the walls, windows or tiles you may not have noticed before. These minor renovations if done while your new home is still empty, will help you to get your home living ready and save you time in the future.


Often, the previous homeowners will have given the courtesy of one last clean before you arrive. However, this is usually just a general spruce up. After you have got rid of any hidden bugs, you will want to give your new home a thorough cleaning. Plan a day to get this done where every nook and cranny can be cleaned properly. Not only will this allow your home to be liveable on the big day, but it will also help you to get to know your new home properly and feel comfortable with the standard of cleanliness.

A little forethought and planning go a long way to ensuring that your new home is as ready for you. Start planning your pre-move-in checklist and your new home could be ready for you in a week.


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Author: Lillian Rencken

Submitted 25 May 18 / Views 1916