Mind Over Matter, improve your mental well-being and focus

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It may simply be a sign of the times but people are increasingly starting to see the relevance behind the age-old adage of Mind Over Matter. Whether it be a focus on keeping our mental wellness in check, managing our increasing stress levels, or simply working to keep both body and mind healthy, these practices are becoming central to maintaining a proper quality of life.

Keeping the concept of a healthy brain a part of your daily routine is easier said than done, so how do we keep up this practice, and what exactly are the benefits?


Analysing the research

Following the timeless debate of nature vs nurture, a recent study published by Stanford University in California has found some fascinating results in the mental fortitude of simply believing a thing to be true.

According to case notes of the study, simply believing a physical reality about yourself may actually be enough to move your body in that direction. The study focussed on Endurance during exercise on a treadmill.


Case Study

The question - Are participants who work out becoming tired due to the fact that there was a type of gene in their body? Or does it have more to do with mental fortitude? After collecting data from the first test, they randomly split participants into two groups and told group A that they have this tiredness gene (even though they didn't.)

The results showed that after participants were put on the treadmill for a second time, group A actually performed far worse than group B, with some participants even doing worse than they did in the initial test, stopping on an average of 22-seconds sooner than before. Group B performed much better, and this was irrespective of whether they had this "gene" or not. 

Some of you may notice that this test bears similar findings to the famous Placebo Effect, where patients were given sugar pills as opposed to medication, yet still reported seeing marked improvements in their health.

This study provides a good example of how some folk wisdom may give us insight into modern issues. That mind is indeed over matter.


Ways in which to improve mental focus

With the power of the mind fully justified, how can you use your own mental fortitude to your advantage? Is it truly a case of believing a thing to be true? Or do we have to train our minds in cases of growing scepticism? We take a look at some of the ways in which you can manipulate your thought processes, and improve mental well-being.

  • Meditation or deep-thinking practice

Whether we practice meditation on the regular or not, most of us can agree that taking a few moments of solace and quiet time has lasting benefits to the psyche. While meditation easily deals with stress, neuroscientists at Harvard have concluded that meditation techniques practised over a period of 8 - 10 weeks can literally change our brain. 

Examples include a thickening of the brain cortex in areas responsible for cognition, memory, and even compassionate thinking.

  • The use of brain health supplements

Multivitamins such as B6 and B12 are essential nutrients for neurological activity. Our brains are constantly working to maintain the body. We can help our brains by taking supplements which help nourish and sustain these processes.

Other supplements like VitaFusion's gummies include a healthy dose of the ashwagandha herb which has been used for this purpose for over a thousand years. And while it's important to remain sceptical of the process behind Ayurvedic or holistic practices, some of the outcomes have been proven to have lasting benefits. 

  • Stay hydrated!

Not to say you need another reminder to drink water, but getting serious about hydration is essential to staying healthy both mentally and physically. This is because 75% of our brain mass is made up of water, so staying hydrated is only a natural part of ensuring our brain stays healthy.

This becomes increasingly important as we get older when the brain becomes more fatigued and dehydration can result in lethargy and mood changes. Dehydration has been linked to impaired attention, motor coordination, and the deterioration of other vital functions.

Keep hydrated the easy way by infusing your water with fruits and setting reminders on your phone to meet your daily requirements.

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Author: LV Digital

Submitted 27 Jul 22 / Views 1551