Orchid Care

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We can all appreciate the beauty of orchids and many of us have attempted to care for an orchid. Those of us who have, know that they can be a difficult plant to look after so here are a few pointers that can help you out.

Many people make the mistake of overwatering orchids, it’s easy to assume orchids need a lot of water as they occur in tropical rainforests but on average an orchid can go 5 - 12 days between being watered. This varies from species to species so consult with the person you are buying the orchid from; especially if it is a species you are unfamiliar with.

Orchid food is necessary for orchid care but there is a right way and at least 2 wrong ways of going about it. Fertilizing too frequently can lead to chemical burning the roots and leaves which can stunt or hurt your plant. On the other hand not giving orchid enough food can lead to your plant being small. Generally, you will need to feed the orchid once a month but it is always best to follow the instructions on the bottle of the orchid food you have. 

Orchids, like other plants need a lot of light and the best way to see if your orchid is receiving enough light is with the leaves. If your orchid is getting enough light it’s leaves should be a bright green. Dark green leaves are an indicator that your orchids could use more light. Also be aware of black spots on the leaves as these mean that your plant is being exposed to too much harsh light.

Orchids are very susceptible to pests such as snails, slugs, and mites. Luckily there are a few ways to take care of your orchid should an infestation take place. A mixture of garlic and hot peppers can be added to water to make the plant unappealing to pests. Alternatively, Neel oil can be applied to the plant without any ill effects and keep your orchid pest free.

Whether you are an experienced gardener or a simple novice, orchids make a wonderful addition to a room and with these tips, there is no reason to shy away from them.

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Author: Jesse van As

Submitted 13 Feb 18 / Views 2590