Pansies (Viola tricolor var. hortensis)

Category Gardening

Pansies are a favourite flower for many gardeners as they come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colours. Their dainty faces will bring life to any garden! These pretty flowers have a story of their own in history, and there’s no end in sight for the companionship between gardeners and pansies together. Here is why we have given pansies their own spotlight this week.

  • Pansies are considered to be one of the best bedding plants in the world, with many advanced gardeners claiming they are second to none.

  • Pansies work well in flower beds, as border plants, in hanging baskets, and in containers making them a versatile choice for a garden of any size.

  • Pansies do well during autumn, winter, and spring and will usually flower throughout these months, giving gardens colour for most of the year.

  • Pansies love their sunlight during the colder months and partial shade during warmer months to prevent them from drooping.

  • Available in nearly every colour and combination imaginable.

  • The pansy flower comes in a variety of sizes from extra large to tiny viola sized flowers.

  • Pansies respond well to deadheading (gentle removal of dead and dying flowers) and will continue to push out colourful flower buds as a result.

  • Pansies can be used as food decoration for roasts, stews, desserts, and salads.

  • Pansies love fertile and moist soil, so be sure to water them weekly and fertilize them every three months.

  • Growing your own pansies from seeds can be a wonderful, exciting, and educational activity for small children. Ensure you plant them in a pot  6-8 weeks before you plan on moving them to the garden.

  • The pansy is native to Europe and was eloquently described in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer’s Night Dream as well as being a point of interest for Charles Darwin.

There’s no question, pansies have deserved their title as the most popular flower for garden beds. These frost resistant pretty plants will definitely bring tons of colour to your garden no matter where you plant them.


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Author: Lillian Rencken

Submitted 13 Jul 18 / Views 2813