Plant of the Week: Pretty Petunias

Category Gardening

Petunias are versatile plants which come in a wide variety of colours and types to suit whatever area you’d like to plant them in. The petunia is an easy to care for and popular flower which will bring a lot of colour into your garden during the autumn months. Whether you’re looking for a pretty balcony plant or some garden bedding, there is a petunia plant out there for you.

Have a look at why we love petunias.

Easy to transplant from a seedling into a garden bed or patio pot for instant vibrant colour.
A relatively water-wise plant that only requires weekly watering.
Petunias offer long-term colour for gardens with flowers blooming all summer and through autumn.
Two different groups of petunias: Grandiflora with large flowers that grow best in containers and Mutiflora which has smaller flowers ideal for garden beds.
Petunias can grow in partial shade but prefer to grow in full sunlight.
Delicate flowers will require protection from heavy rain and wind.
Faded or dead flowers can be removed from the plants to prolong the blooming period.
Petunias come in a variety of colours including light purple flowers with dark purple veins, pinks, reds, pink and white striped petals, dark purple, light purple, white and many more.
You don’t need to wait for spring to come back to have a colourful garden, many beautiful and easy to care for plants such as petunias will grow and flower successfully from spring through to autumn if loved, looked after and cared for.
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Author: Lillian Rencken

Submitted 09 Mar 18 / Views 1609