Why is buying property a good investment?

Category Home Buying/Selling Tips

Ever wondered how some people’s wealth is carried through many generations and others is lost when the estate is closed? We now seem to be living in a generation where new wealth needs to be generated with the birth of each new generation.

Why is this?

We can rely on insurance companies to ensure that we save and invest over our working years, but we also need to do some extra investing on the side. That’s where growing a property portfolio works. A more multi-pronged approach to cover all bases will inevitably let us build a solid financial structure for when we stop earning and as we now live longer than ever before it is all the more important.

There is an old adage that goes “the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the next best time is today” and it’s not dissimilar with regard to investing in property. Just consider the following:

  • By using bank finance your initial outlay is minimised and leverage is the best way to grow your property portfolio
  • You are 100% in control, no commissions and broker fees.
  • Depending on your choice of property you can collect rental, develop, renovate or subdivide over time.
  • With a tenant in place someone else is helping pay off your loan and grow your investment.
  • You can start small with an apartment, and learn lessons along the way to grow in confidence and become more ambitious.
  • You can always live in it yourself.
  • The population is ever increasing and so property will always be in demand, especially in a good location.

Follow this advice to help secure your pension from early on and leave a solid inheritance that will continue to perform for years to come.

So don’t put off that buying decision and start securing your (and your family’s) future.

Author: Jonathan Broekman

Submitted 01 Feb 16 / Views 2430