Mix-it-yourself household cleaners

Category Home Tips And Tricks

These mix-it-yourself cleaners use environmentally friendly ingredients, like baking soda and vinegar, and are not only inexpensive but will clean your conscience too! If you run out of your favourite cleaning solution this holiday, no need to run to the mall; try one of these instead.

HEAVY-DUTY SCRUB For rust stains

Ingredients • Half a lemon • 1/2 cup borax (a laundry booster; find it in the detergent aisle)
Dip the lemon into the borax and scrub surface; rinse. (Not for marble or granite)


For kitchen counters, appliances, and inside the fridge
Ingredients • 4 tablespoons baking soda • 1 quart warm water
Simply pour solution on a clean sponge, and wipe.

GLASS CLEANER For windows and mirrors

Ingredients • 2 cups water • 1/2 cup white or cider vinegar • 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol (70% concentration) • 1 to 2 drops of orange essential oil, which gives the solution a lovely smell (optional)
Combine ingredients and store in a spray bottle. Spray on a paper towel or soft cloth first, then on the glass. Hint: Don't clean windows on a hot, sunny day because the solution will dry too quickly and leave lots of streaks.


For nappies, badly stained washable or bleachable garments
Ingredients • 3.5 litres hot water • 1 cup powdered dishwasher detergent • 1 cup regular liquid chlorine bleach (not ultra or concentrate)

Mix and pour ingredients into a stainless steel, plastic, or enamel bowl. Soak garment for 15 to 20 minutes. If stain is still there, let it soak a bit longer, then wash garment as usual.

For anywhere you've accidentally left a water ring (but not on unfinished wood, lacquer, or antiques).
Ingredients • One part white non-gel toothpaste to one part baking soda

Dampen a cloth with water, add toothpaste mixture, and rub with the grain to buff over the ring. Then take a dry cloth and wipe off. Use another soft cloth for a final shine. Polish as you normally would.

Author: Georgina Roberts

Submitted 27 Dec 16 / Views 2247