The Four D’s of Selling – By Jonathan Broekman

Category Home Buying/Selling Tips

Many times when showing a house to a potential buyer, I am faced with the question: “Why is the house going to the market?” I have learned that the reason behind the question, the question the potential buyer is actually asking is this: “How serious is the seller about selling?” When buyers go and look at a house on the show and are seriously considering making an offer, they don’t want to be in competition with other buyers and maybe a seller who isn’t too serious. Here are the four big reasons why sellers will put their home on the market which can be considered as big drives to sell; I call them the four D’s.

One of the serious reasons sellers have for putting their home on the market is a divorce. Divorce is a painful time for a family but is a big motivator in whether or not you will be keeping the house. Some couples can’t stand the thought of living in a home that was once shared with a partner they fell out of love with. Putting a house on the market after a divorce allows for both people to get the motivation they need to be able to move on in life. I think that the motivation to open another door is dependent on closing the one you are in, so it will help to have a sale in place.

A death in the family is a very painful event to go through and requires time to grieve. Death and divorce have similar motivations for putting a house on the market, the memories of the other person can often be too much to handle and selling will help previous homeowners move onto the next chapter of their life.

When it comes to selling for money, there can be a few reasons behind the need for money. For some people, they initially bought the house as an investment, whether to flip it after a few renovations or to wait for the property market to get better. Whichever, the house on the show was bought for the purpose to make money on the sale. Sometimes families hit some financial problems and need to sell desperately to take care of their situation. Lastly, families who are planning their retirement after the children have grown up and started families of their own may sell to move to a smaller less expensive home to save on expenses and increase their savings.

The last major reason for people to put their homes on the market is for distance. When someone is offered an opportunity in a different country or even a different province, selling the home is a step to taking that opportunity. Many people who are moving abroad or across the country will realize that running and maintaining two homes, the current house and the future house, is a big undertaking for both their time and their finances. Seller moving away will want to sell fairly quickly so that they may move on to the next exciting part of their lives.

Buying or selling a house is a big decision which warrants careful consideration from both the buyer and the seller. For both, it is important to know and understand the motivation behind the house being put on the market to ensure a sale is made without any nagging feelings of regret. If you are considering putting your home on the market for any one of these reasons, contact us for a thorough home evaluation and let us help you move to the next stage of your life.

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Author: Lillian Rencken

Submitted 08 Jun 18 / Views 6818